What We Do

We are an internationally recognized educational non-profit organization bringing clean, free fuel and nutrient dense fertilizer to people around the world. We deliver biogas systems to suburban and urban gardeners everywhere, to farmers in the U.S., and to remote villages and refugee camps around the world. Our mission and educational program is based on the work and vision of Dr. Thomas H. Culhane.

Al Najaf - Iraq 2014

10 cu. meter Solar CITIES Puxin concrete biodigester, installed on a farm in Al Najaf, Iraq in 2014. The project was led by Taha Majeed of the Ministry of Science and Technology IRAQ / Renewable Energy Directorate.

Past Projects and Workshops

Biogas at Bells School in Nigeria

Biogas at Bells School in Nigeria

August 30, 2011 At the end of the summer of 2011, Culhane was joined by Ohio State University Urban Planning Professor Charisma Acey and Nigerian-German friend Paul Chido Iwunna on a trip to Nigeria, hosted by former President Obasanjo, to spread the "gospel of...

Biogas at a Presidential Residence

Biogas at a Presidential Residence

August 30, 2011 His Excellency President Oluwasegun Obasanjo graciously invited us to his home to build a biodigester and then brought us around Abeokuta to see his presidential library, farms, industrial operations, plantations and reforestation areas. We also...

Biogas Demonstration and Build in Budapest

Biogas Demonstration and Build in Budapest

August 5, 2011 As a result of our Slovakia workshop, we held a biogas building workshop in Budapest, where I demonstrated the Solar CITIES IBC system for colder climates. I enjoyed the crowd sourcing and collective intelligence nature of the participants who came up...

Digesters at the Dream School in Kenya

Digesters at the Dream School in Kenya

June 14, 2011 As part of the Blackstone Ranch/National Geographic Innovation Challenge Grant, Culhane returned to Kenya and built digesters at the school of fellow Nat Geo Emerging Explorer Kakenya Ntaiya.

Biogas Collaboration in Kenya

Biogas Collaboration in Kenya

June 14, 2011 Working in partnership with Simama e.V. we built a Solar CITIES enhanced ARTI digester at the Mukuru Arts Academy in Mukuru Slum, Nairobi in 2010. Simama is a German association with a mission of development through the arts. We worked with Mink Noordam...

Arava Institute for Environmental Studies Alumni Conference

Arava Institute for Environmental Studies Alumni Conference

February 5, 2011 The Arava Institue for Environmental Studies held its annual alumni conference in Aqaba Jordan.  T.H. Culhane was the keynote speaker, and traveled to Aqaba with Amir Rabayah from Engineers Without Borders-Palestine, Yair Teller, the Arava's...

Telescoping Digester in Botswana

Telescoping Digester in Botswana

August 14, 2010 The Selinda system was sized to accommodate the kitchen waste from a maximum of 16 guests eating four meals a day. Culhane spent two days during a period of full occupancy grinding the waste generated through meal preparation and plate scrapings...

Biogas Experiments in Botswana

Biogas Experiments in Botswana

August 14, 2010 Yube Boitumelo Siyangaphi, Joseph Kabimba and Kebonyemang Mashabe and I have built a three-stage biodigestor at the worker's camp at CSU base camp at Selinda Wildlife Reserve in Botswana. It consists of a fiberglass-sealed 1,000-liter horizontal...

Zarafa Camp, Okavanga Delta, Botswana

Zarafa Camp, Okavanga Delta, Botswana

August 14, 2010 As part of the Blackstone Ranch/National Geographic Innovation Challenge Grant he received, T.H. and Sybille Culhane traveled with their two-year-old son, Kilian, to the Okavanga delta to experiment with building biogas systems out of local water tanks...

Mkalinzi Village, Gombe National Park Tanzania

Mkalinzi Village, Gombe National Park Tanzania

May 13, 2010 In their first attempt to alter the conditions exacerbating deforestation and destruction of the Gombe National Park Chimpanzee reserve, Solar CITIES directors Hanna Fathy and T.H. Culhane joined Grace Gobbo from the Jane Goodall Institute to build the...

Where We Work

Check out the map below to see where Solar CITIES has implemented biogas education programs – and biodigesters – through “hands-on” workshops. Some of these locations have two or more biodigesters in place, as part of our mission is to have two biogas education “hubs” in each location in order to build continued community learning support.

If you’re interested in working with us to bring biogas to your community, we invite you to get in touch with us directly. We have detailed reports about all of our projects. We would be delighted to share our information with serious enquires about partnership. Please contact us directly to share your thoughts on how we can be of assistance to you.