What We Do
We are an internationally recognized educational non-profit organization bringing clean, free fuel and nutrient dense fertilizer to people around the world. We deliver biogas systems to suburban and urban gardeners everywhere, to farmers in the U.S., and to remote villages and refugee camps around the world. Our mission and educational program is based on the work and vision of Dr. Thomas H. Culhane.

10 cu. meter Solar CITIES Puxin concrete biodigester, installed on a farm in Al Najaf, Iraq in 2014. The project was led by Taha Majeed of the Ministry of Science and Technology IRAQ / Renewable Energy Directorate.
Past Projects and Workshops
US Embassy, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq
April 20, 2013 After the midnight build of a Solar CITIES modified ARTI biodigester in Erbil, Kurdistan tonight, during my last night in Iraq with new friends Maw'eid and Bryant and Dave (construction, security and IT professionals), we said prayers in Arabic...
ARTI Digester at the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq
April 16, 2013 Frank Finver, Victoria Reppert, and a group of folks from the UN, including Chief Humanitarian Officer Karin Mayer, built this ARTI digester in the garden at the Embassy residences. It was used for a workshop and to demonstrate the gas and fertilizer....
Visit to Ministry of Science and Technology
April 16, 2013 A bright spot in the ongoing conflict in Iraq was our visit in April of 2013 to the Iraq Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). After we built a family-sized biodigester on the grounds with their engineers, they surprised us by unveiling a host of...
United Nations Mission in Baghdad
April 15, 2013 In the spring of 2013, TH Culhane returned to his mother's native homeland of Iraq to conduct biogas trainings and workshops on sustainability in Baghdad and Erbil. This National Geographic article and this article from the United Nations were written...
Biodigester at Damanhur Eco-Community
January 16, 2013 Just before heading to Mercy College in New York to teach, Culhane was invited to do a biogas workshop at Damanhur Eco-community in northern Italy. Simon Westermann, who had assisted Culhane in his biogas workshop in Budapest a year earlier,...
Biodigesters Survive Cold Winter in New York
January 6, 2013 Culhane replaced two digesters at Mercy College in the fall of 2013. These digesters had been destroyed when his laboratory experiments rooms was dismantled. Culhane and Tasheem Hall filled the new digesters with horse manure from the stables at...
Zombie Survivalist Biogas Digester
August 3, 2012 James Goodman, youth leader of the the Zombie Response Team of California's San Pedro Forest region, and his parents, Gary Goodman and Lesly Chamberlain, and his grandmother, Joanne DuBarr, and Africa development specialist Mark David Heath pose in...
Installing an Insinkerator in the Himalayas
May 17, 2012 While we didn't actually build a functioning biodigester up at 5,600 meters, we did install two wind generators and a solar thermal vacuum system. First, we installed 400 W of photovoltaics, two 200-watt Chinook Wind generators, and a Solar Thermal vacuum...
Our First Puxin Biodigester
April 7, 2012 Working with Chance for Growth e.V., we built our first Puxin 10m3 system at the Allouette School for Girls on Palawan island.
Washington Math Science Technology School (WMST)
December 16, 2011 The Washington Math Science Technology School Biodigester was built by Solar CITIES co-founder Mostafa Darsh Hussein while visiting Washington DC on an exchange program. Culhane had previously led a biogas workshop at the school. The story is an...
Biodigester Build in Slovakia
September 25, 2011 We completed a 3 IBC Solar CITIES Biodigester build in the mountain village of Zazriva in Slovakia with the Catholic Youth Group, "Dobrej Noviny". After completing the build, we put everything on a trailer and brought it to the home of one of the...
Sacred Heart Hospital Abeokuta, Nigeria
August 30, 2011
Where We Work
Check out the map below to see where Solar CITIES has implemented biogas education programs – and biodigesters – through “hands-on” workshops. Some of these locations have two or more biodigesters in place, as part of our mission is to have two biogas education “hubs” in each location in order to build continued community learning support.
If you’re interested in working with us to bring biogas to your community, we invite you to get in touch with us directly. We have detailed reports about all of our projects. We would be delighted to share our information with serious enquires about partnership. Please contact us directly to share your thoughts on how we can be of assistance to you.