Biogas Build at Koreen Brennan’s “Our Permaculture Farm”
April 27, 2017
In Brooksville, Florida we built two biodigesters at Koreen Brennan’s farm called Our Permaculture Farm. First, we assembled the Israel HomeBiogas system she had purchased. On another day we held a workshop during which we built a Solar CITIES floating IBC biodigester. Visitors to Koreen’s permaculture trainings will now have the ability to get hands-on experience with both a commercial family-scale digester that is ISO 9001/9004 and CE listed and can be bought and set up in a few hours and a DIY system that can be made from local materials. A similar educational experience about the different kinds of biodigesters is available at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI).
Our goal is to have “gardens of biodigester possibilities” within an hour’s drive of one another so the public can fill in the gaps once they see how easy it is.